Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Industrial Model Isn't Dead - It's Migrating

People love something 'made by hand'. Tell them that, to make your table, you collected driftwood from the beach. Or your vanilla extract is different because you've met the farmers and you get your alcohol for extraction from the (craft) distillery in your town. A beer made with intent will always taste better than a beer made for a bottom line. Tell someone a story, or how you painstakingly made each groove, and people listen. 

Software is not like that. Systems, deployments, IT, and data centers are not like that.

No one (okay, very few people) cares about the love that was put into some software. They're not concerned with the initial itch that needed scratching. They don't look forward to hearing about how the author put countless hours of effort into automating some mundane routine so that the user wouldn't even notice that it had been done for them. 

No one builds data centers by hand now and no one wants to hear about how someone built a data center by hand (rather - the people who do still build them by hand soon won't; either because they'll have upgraded their job or been left behind).

This leads to an interesting contrast between hand made goods and software. We like to hear that a coffee table took two weeks of carving and staining. But a data center? We want to know that a system can be deployed 'with the push of a button'. Never mind made with care, we want the actual creation of a system to be as automated and hands free as possible. Where goods are moving away from the bulk, industrial manufacturing model, IT systems and application deployment is running straight into it. More systems, faster, for less work (and, thus, cost).

The industrial model is still very much alive. We're just moving it from farms and goods over to data centers.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Getting Religion - Salt

Apparently I was on a quest and didn't even know it. Automation is great (essential, even), but at some point you need to wrap your arms around the whole thing. After spending some time with Puppet (and deciding it wasn't for me), I found Chef to be pretty approachable. I like the native versioning of recipes and the hands-free method of creating workstation separate from the master (the fewer hands that touch the master, the better). But there was a definite learning curve to be overcome.

Then I found Salt.

Pure simplicity.

How do I install Salt on CentOS?
yum install salt-master

How do I use Salt to install Apache? 
salt myMinion pkg.install httpd

What about all my webservers? 
salt -N myWebServers pkg.install httpd

Install Apache, pull down the latest version of my code, and restart Apache if the code changes!

    - name: httpd
    - name:
    - target: /var/www/html/awesomesauce
    - name: httpd
    - enable: True
    - running
    - watch:
      - git: my-awesome-app

And done! Every server. Latest code. Apache keeps up. All in easy to read yaml. 

So simple.

Hell, it even works with Powershell. Fully automated MSSQL installation? Done. Local user management? Easy. I'm confident that, with the proper Salt setup, you can do away with System Center Config Manager. The implications are huge for people willing and able to do it themselves (instead of paying for Microsoft licenses and consultants).

I'm hoping to make some big changes in my environment with Salt. The more work we can get the machine to do, the more time we have to work on more interesting problems. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Chef 11 Deployment - Lessons Learned

I had rolled out a few proof-of-concept deployments of Chef server on CentOS and Ubuntu, each complete with their own workstation. I thought I had it down.

I was wrong.

This post will serve as a reference for my future self. Hopefully you, dear reader, have landed here after Googling an error. I hope I can save you some misery. This rollout was Chef Server 11.0.6 on Ubuntu.

Changing The Hostname

I was rolling out my deployment on Amazon AWS and didn't particularly care for the default machine names of an IPv6 address. I changed the hostname of my Chef server before doing anything, figuring it would affect nothing. I was wrong.

As it turns out, your machine's hostname must resolve successfully in order for chef-server-ctl reconfigure to complete successfully. My fix was exactly as described in that Opscode ticket - drop a line in /etc/hosts:

<floating IP> ubuntu-chef-11-server


Your Workstation and Creating Your Own knife.rb

The latest docs on setting up your workstation mention knife.rb seven times but the page assumes that you're using Hosted Chef or Private Chef. Not your own Chef server. As such, I consulted some older (but still very useful) docs to create my own knife.rb. The doc says that the API listener sits on port 4000 and the Web Interface on 4040. This is not the case.Both listen on port 80. I lost two hours looking at this error:

[root@chef-11-workstation chef-repo]# knife user list
ERROR: Connection refused connecting to ubuntu-chef-11-server:4000 for /users, retry 1/5
ERROR: Connection refused connecting to ubuntu-chef-11-server:4000 for /users, retry 2/5
ERROR: Connection refused connecting to ubuntu-chef-11-server:4000 for /users, retry 3/5
ERROR: Connection refused connecting to ubuntu-chef-11-server:4000 for /users, retry 4/5
ERROR: Connection refused connecting to ubuntu-chef-11-server:4000 for /users, retry 5/5

This is exacerbated by the default value provided when running knife configure:
Please enter the chef server URL: [http://localhost:4000] 

Makes you think port 4000, right? Wrong. It's port 80.

In Summary

  1. If you must change the hostname, confirm that the new name can be resolved (via /etc/hosts, for example). 
  2. The API listener and the WebUI both listen on port 80.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sustainable Powershell - Cmdlets

Since we're automating work, and (currently) a lot of the work involves Windows ecosystems, the natural tool of choice is Powershell. Let's look at some general guidelines for writing sustainable Powershell cmdlets.

For the purpose of this post, I'll use functions and cmdlets interchangeably as they can both be considered atomic work units.

Powershell Cmdlet Guidelines

Cmdlets shall:

Use the Verb-Noun Naming Scheme

Using this scheme forces you to think more about what your functions/cmdlets should be doing. It's the decided 'best practice' from Microsoft and when you import a module that violates this scheme, you get a nice nagging message from Powershell telling you exactly that.

Protip: Not that you should use it, but you can pass the -DisableNameChecking parameter to Import-Module to suppress the warning. You should know, however, that if you need to suppress the warning, you're probably developing your cmdlets the wrong way.

Use Camel Case for Capitalization

For instance, Get-DetailsFromReallyLongName.

The corollary to this is use descriptive names. The year is 2013. We have plenty of disk to store code with long names. Use it.

Cmdlets Do Not Hold State

 Cmdlets do stuff, they do not hold things. If you're familiar with RESTful interfaces and/or stateless architecture, move to the next point because you already understand.

For the rest of us: A cmdlet should not hold onto a value. That is, it should not store something in a global/environment variable. It can check some environment variables if it needs to make a decision, but it should not communicate with the user/other cmdlets via manipulating those variables.

If you need data, put it in/get it from a data source, such as a database, the Windows registry, or even a flat text file. Don't store it in memory (e.g. a variable) because you'll create problems for yourself that distract you from the real work.

Use "Approved" Verbs

Personally, I'm a little bitter that the creators of Powershell drew a line around what we can and cannot use when writing our own modules but that doesn't change the fact that we have to deal with it. And besides, it does help to keep you in the right mindset when writing functions/cmdlets.

When writing modules, your functions need to start with 'approved' verbs. To get a list of those verbs, use the command Get-Verb or see Microsoft's writeup.

Do One Thing. Do It Well.

See also the Unix Philosophy of software development. Forty years of tireless development and crushing testing environments have made this philosophy even more relevant.

Use Command-Line Parameters

When thinking of how to pass information to your cmdlet, think in the same way you write your cmdlets/functions: simple and atomic. Don't pass an object representing information to your cmdlet (because that breeds complexity, which leaves you prone to errors). Instead, simply pass the information.

For example, if a cmdlet needs information about a server, don't create an object just to represent that server. Instead, have your cmdlet accept the text version of that information.

Don't Do This
Create-NewServer -serverDetails complicatedObject 
Where complicatedObject is an object or a hash with values describing the server.

Instead, Do This
Create-NewServer -ServerName worker01 -IP -Netmask

Writing your function will take more time and the incantations will be more verbose. B-U-T in the future when (not 'if', but 'when') you need to update that function, making the required changes will be so much easier than updating code that expects more complex input.

In summary, this is the state we're in today. The environment will change and constraints will improve but, in the meanwhile, following these guidelines will reduce (not eliminate!) tomorrow's maintenance cost of the software you write today.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sustainable Automation

When you automate technology (at a meaningful scale, anyway), you invariably wind up writing code. I've yet to see some automation technology that was all point-and-click. Chef, Puppet, Bash, Python, Powershell.... all of them languages.

Since we're writing code for our automation, we might as well write sustainable code. I can sum up the entire point like this:

Writing code has

  1. An initial cost. The cost, in time, dollars, or other measurement to write the code and 
  2. A maintenance cost. The cost you incur to keep the code relevant.
If you're lucky, your code will survive long enough to accrue a maintenance cost. If that is the case, it is nearly certain that the maintenance cost will be overwhelmingly larger than the initial cost. Therefore, we always seek to reduce the maintenance cost.

Or, in more interesting terms (and I cannot take credit for this version), write your software as if it will be maintained by a homicidal maniac who knows where you sleep.

Now that we know what to do (reduce maintenance cost), we need some direction on how to do it. The answer, as is most often the case, is simplicity. How do we keep things simple?

I like to borrow a few notes from the Unix Philosophy, specifically 'keep things modular' (Small is Beautiful). Regardless of technology, you'll be modularizing your work, whether they be in functions, recipes, manifests, whatever. Think of these as your atomic work units, where the keyword here is atomic. Your units should do one thing, and they should do it well. If you want to add functionality to a unit, make another unit and have your first one call it.

Why? Why not just add functionality to the existing work units? It's easier, there are fewer units to juggle, and, yes, it takes less time.

Less time?

Less inital time, yes. But we're not working to minimize initial time. We accrue the initial time only once. The maintenance time (i.e. cost), however, we accrue every time we need to update our code. Every. Time. And god save us if we have to refactor our codebase. Forget progress, you'll be doing well just to get back to normal.

This is a quick (albeit contrived) example of my bigger point: Always strive to make things easier for the guy in the future. After all, it just may be you.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Every Job is a Custom Job

No matter how much we standardize, how repeatable or automated our processes are, we will never be able to deliver the exact same product/datacenter/service twice.

This isn't a problem experienced by many other domains (not to such a degree, anyway). I can order a pair of speakers from a manufacturer and they will be the exact same speakers that my neighbor orders. Likewise with most food at the store, even at restaurants. Sure, you can ask them to hold the onions on your burger but that level of customization is not what's experienced by developers/deployers/devops/what-have-you.

The customer will always have some indigenous nuance about their particular system - legacy software/hardware, limited budget, upper management has already decided on a particular product before you arrived - that will preclude you from delivering the *exact* same product every time.

The challenge, then (and what makes the work interesting), is working this reality into your automation processes.