I (heavily) referenced the rest_cherrypy section of the docs to put this together.
This post assumes that you already have a Salt master and at least one Minion connected to it.
Install salt-api
The docs seem to mention that Pip is the best method. Also, we're going the CherryPy route so:
pip install salt-api cherrypy
Configure CherryPy
Very simple. In your master config file:
rest_cherrypy: port: 8000 ssl_crt: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt ssl_key: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.key
Notice the SSL lines. We can create a self-signed keypair very easily with Salt:
salt-call tls.create_self_signed_cert
Configure External Auth
Salt-api leans on the eauth system for authentication. For our quick and dirty, we can just allow our user to do everything. Back in the master config file:
external_auth: pam: saltuser: - .*Turn On the Awesome
We're done configuring! With the Salt master & minion running, start salt-api:
You can optionally pass salt-api the -d option to put it into daemon mode.
With salt-api runnig. Test it out:
curl -k https://localhost:8000 {"status": "401 Unauthorized", "return": "Please log in"}
We'll need to log in. That looks like this:
curl -ksi https://localhost:8000/login \ > -H "Accept: application/json" \ > -d username='saltuser' \ > -d password='password' \ > -d eauth='pam' {"return": [{"perms": [".*"], "start": 1388722947.535586, "token": "f72309d0ee425193bc8b763a0092470bbabab6bc", "expire": 1388766147.535588, "user": "saltuser", "eauth": "pam"}]}
This gives us a token. In this example the token is f72309d0ee425193bc8b763a0092470bbabab6bc. Let's use it to run a test.ping.
curl -ksi https://localhost:8000 \ -H "Accept: application/x-yaml" \ -H "X-Auth-Token: f72309d0ee425193bc8b763a0092470bbabab6bc" \ -d client='local' \ -d tgt='*' \ -d fun='test.ping' HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 25 Vary: Accept-Encoding Server: CherryPy/3.2.4 Allow: GET, HEAD, POST Cache-Control: private Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 04:31:13 GMT Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/x-yaml Set-Cookie: session_id=f72309d0ee425193bc8b763a0092470bbabab6bc; expires=Fri, 03 Jan 2014 14:31:13 GMT; Path=/ return: - salt-api: true
Not bad. Let's try making it actually do something.
curl -ksi https://localhost:8000 \ -H "Accept: application/x-yaml" \ -H "X-Auth-Token: f72309d0ee425193bc8b763a0092470bbabab6bc" \ -d client='local' \ -d tgt='*' \ -d fun='cmd.run' \ -d arg='echo "hi salt-api!"' HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 33 Vary: Accept-Encoding Server: CherryPy/3.2.4 Allow: GET, HEAD, POST Cache-Control: private Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 04:34:19 GMT Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/x-yaml Set-Cookie: session_id=f72309d0ee425193bc8b763a0092470bbabab6bc; expires=Fri, 03 Jan 2014 14:34:19 GMT; Path=/ return: - salt-api: hi salt-api!
You can see where we can go from here. Once you've got a RESTful interface to your Salt master, your creativity is the only limit from what you can do from there.
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